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Featured Article: 7 Safety Culture Resolutions for 2022

The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. (AEU)
The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. (AEU)

At the start of every new year, it’s common to take a fresh look at the current way of doing things and consider a new approach.

This year, consider reviewing the safety culture at your company and its facilities. The effectiveness of your safety culture has an immeasurable impact on accident rates, claims, employee morale, production quality, and the bottom line.

Here are seven safety culture resolutions to consider making in 2022.

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January Virtual General Membership Meeting: Bill Crow to Present VSRA Annual Report

VSRA President Bill Crow
VSRA President Bill Crow

VSRA’s top priority is to always ensure the safety of our members. Due to the recent increase in COVID cases in the region and scheduling conflicts with the Renaissance this month, the January VSRA General Membership meeting will be held virtually via ZOOM. The virtual meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

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 The Virginia Ship Repair Association, in partnership with the Virginia Ship Repair Foundation, conducts outreach, awareness, and advocacy activities that strengthen the ship repair industry and improve the business environment for our members. Many of our industry focused projects provide your company with opportunities to feature your leadership role in the industry and expand your company footprint through sponsorships.


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VSRF 36th Annual Golf Tournament REGISTRATION LAUNCHES MON 2/7/2022

The 36th Annual VSRF Golf Tournament Sponsorship Registration will be launching on Monday, February 7th! 

Keep an eye on your inboxes at 9:00 AM, Monday, February 7th. Registration will open at that time and you will receive an e-mail to secure sponsorships that include golfer slots. You must be logged into your VSRA user account to register.


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16th Annual Ship Repair Digital Lego Competition

The 16th Annual Ship Repair Digital LEGO Competition has officially launched! The purpose of the competition is to promote the ship repair industry while increasing competitive mathematical, analytical and conceptual skills in middle school aged students.

We need volunteers to serve as technical advisors and judges. This is a great opportunity to give back to the community and represent your company, sponsorship opportunities are also available!

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Follow VSRA on Social Media

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Are you on Social Media? Follow VSRA Today!

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New VSRA Member Companies

Two new member companies joined VSRA in the month of December, bringing the membership total to a record-breaking 318! Please join us in welcoming:

Industrial Drying Solutions, LLC 
Noblis MSD 

Writers Welcome! Please contact Kathy Bryan, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757) 366-9300, or kbryan@shipyardstaffing.com, if you would like to submit an article.

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