Bill Crow, President, Virginia Ship Repair Association (VSRA)
The first General Membership meeting of 2022 was held virtually on Tuesday, January 25th. The speaker for the meeting was Bill Crow, President of the Virginia Ship Repair Association. Bill presented the VSRA Annual Report - an overview of VSRA activities, initiatives, and successes in 2021, and a look ahead at the goals for 2022.
Bill began by noting how completely upside down 2020 was due to COVID-19. He reflected that VSRA member companies clearly adapted to a new normal because 2021 was a great year overall for the Association.
After thanking the VSRA and VSRF Board of Directors for their leadership and guidance throughout the year, Bill thanked the VSRA staff for their dedication and hard work. Nothing that Barbara Washer will be leaving VSRA in March, Bill praised all of her fruitful endeavors over her past 8 years on staff. He noted that Barbara’s position and two other open staff positions were posted on the VSRA website and accepting applications. Bill went on to praise the VSRA membership itself. He noted several areas of achievement, including ending the year with 318 member companies and record shattering VSRF fundraising. He also acknowledged the return to in-person meetings, including the return of monthly membership luncheons, which welcomed a variety of Navy and legislative leaders as guest speakers throughout the year.
He then affirmed that annual Association events were well-attended, such as the 1st Annual Evening Social that was held at the Norfolk Zoo, the 25th Safety & Health Seminar, the 36th VSRF Golf Tournament - held at Cypress Point Golf Club for the first time - and the Annual Tradesperson of the Year Awards, whose 27 nominees he referred to as “all winners.”
Next, Bill praised committee chairs and their dedication to our industry, noting the strong and active committee structure which helped navigate the introduction of a hybrid meeting format that included both in-person and virtual participation. He then spoke of potential technology upgrades within the VSRA offices to improve the quality of experience for virtual committee meeting attendees.
Bill moved onto commend the engaging relationship VSRA has with its Navy customer, and how 2021 had seen progress in the form of the Change Cycle Time Meetings and the NSI/CDRL Concern Resolutions.
Drawing Lou Gehrig parallels, Bill said he considers himself “…the luckiest man on the face of the earth” as president of VSRA. He concluded his report by once again thanking the VSRA Membership for their incredible support of the organization.
Board Chair Tom Epley praised Bill’s leadership over his nearly 10 years as VSRA President and presented Bill with a novelty “Bill Crow” bobblehead figurine.
The 2021 VSRA Annual Report can be viewed by clicking here
[NOTE: link to the pdf version of the official annual report – it’s linked on our website if you click the strategic plan tab from the member view]
Because VSRA always provides a thank you letter to each monthly membership meeting's guest speaker, the VSRA staff decided to have some fun by presenting Bill with the below:

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