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Air & Gas Tech, Inc.

2660 Indian River Road Unit B Chesapeake, VA 23325
Phone: 619-955-5980
Website: www.agtcorp.net
Fax: (757) 962-8895

About Us

AGT is a country wide company that specializes in aftermarket RIX Industries air compressors and technical pipe flushing. We began in 1978 as CEMCORP (Controls Engineering Maintenance Corporation) on the West Coast, primarily working on shipboard boilers and general maintenance of a vast array of naval equipment. As the navy transitioned away from boilers, we adapted our company to work on high pressure air compressors (HPACs) instead. We again transitioned and became AGT, the company that we are today in 2017 and have thrived. We have now expanded our company to two locations, one in San Diego and one in Norfolk, Virginia. However, we provide services all across the globe thanks to our talented mobile tech reps and plan to continue to grow and adapt with our industry. 


This profile was last updated on: Friday March 10, 2023 04:31 PM. The above information may have changed. Please contact the company directly for additional information.