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New Terrorism Advisory System Announced

February 01, 2011 Secrretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, has announced a new Terrorism Advisory System.  Read the National Terrorism Advisory System Press Release for specifics.

Inputs Needed from Foreman and Supervisors

February 01, 2011
VSRF is conducting a VERY brief survey for Foremen and Supervisors to help charter next steps on workforce efforts. Please ask your employees who are in these positions to participate. The Board will be holding their March 9th meeting at Earl Industries and April 13th at Colonna’s with a tour starting at 11:30 a.m. Foremen and Supervisors are invited to discuss results and issues. Please RSVP with Sylvia Bell at 233.7034 or by email
<a href="">Click here to take survey</a>

Obama to Cut Red Tape for Business

January 19, 2011

Greenwire (01/18/2011)

In his most forceful reply yet to industry groups and Republicans who have accused the administration of slowing the economic recovery by tying up businesses in red tape, President Obama has ordered a top-to-bottom review of federal regulations to get rid of rules that are outdated and harmful to the economy, the White House announced this morning.

Obama signed an executive order today that would step up oversight of the regulations issued by government agencies such as U.S. EPA and the Interior Department.

Seen as the president's latest effort to mend ties with businesses, it was first outlined by the president in an op-ed this morning in The Wall Street Journal.

Writing for an editorial page that has repeatedly slammed the administration's approach to regulation, Obama acknowledged that there are plenty of "absurd and unnecessary paperwork requirements that waste time and money." He cited EPA's recent decision to loosen rules for saccharin -- an artificial sweetener that is considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration and is widely used in chewing gum and diet soft drinks.

"If it goes in your coffee, it is not hazardous waste," Obama wrote.

"We won't shy away from addressing obvious gaps," he added, "but we are also making it our mission to root out regulations that conflict, that are not worth the cost, or that are just plain dumb."

Along with requiring agencies to take stock of existing regulations, the executive order would lay out principles for future rulemakings. All agencies would need to consider ways to reduce burdens for U.S. businesses when they develop rules, allow more public participation and better follow the scientific integrity guidelines that were released last month after a lengthy delay.

"The administration believes firmly that regulations can both be more effective and consistent with American competitiveness," a senior White House official said this morning. "It's not a question of choosing between meeting our responsibilities to protect the public health and the environment or growing the economy and creating jobs. It's really a question of how to get the balance so we can accomplish both goals most effectively."

The initiative could signal a desire at the White House to defuse some of the efforts on Capitol Hill to rein in regulations. Republicans and a few moderate Democrats have put forward a slew of bills that would put new checks on agency rulemaking (E&ENews PM, Jan. 10).

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), who recently called for a "pay as you go" approach to outdated government regulations, offered support today for the president's strategy. Any company that does not review its operations or improve its procedures will inevitably go out of business, and the government should be held to the same sort of standard, he said in a statement.

"Efforts to apply more common sense to our regulatory approach can go a long way toward addressing the uncertainty that has kept the U.S. business community from participating more fully in our nation's economic recovery," Warner said.

Obama has recently reached out to businesses, meeting with corporate CEOs last month to ask how the government could help them create jobs and rebuild the economy. Industry groups were pleased by today's announcement.

"Manufacturers have been saying for some time that overregulation is harming job creation and stifling economic growth," said Aric Newhouse, senior vice president of the National Association of Manufacturers, in a statement today. "This is an opportunity for the president to demonstrate results by eliminating unnecessary regulations already in the pipeline or delaying poorly thought-out proposals that are costing jobs."

Seen as an effort to mend ties with businesses, the new executive order did not sit well with many on the left, including some environmental and public health groups. They described the initiative as a rightward shift as President Obama gears up for his own re-election campaign.

Rena Steinzor, the president of the Center for Progressive Reform, said the executive order reflects an incorrect analysis and diagnosis by the White House. Current environmental problems such as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, as well as economic problems such as the collapse of the housing market, could have been avoided by better rules, she said.

She also criticized the White House for putting new burdens on agencies at a time when they are already dealing with serious budget cuts.

"It was deregulation that caused the economy to crash and everyone to lose their jobs -- not regulation," said Steinzor, an environmental law professor at the University of Maryland.

Scott Slesinger, legislative director at the Natural Resources Defense Council, agreed that a "balanced" approach is necessary -- as long as it does not put "short-term corporate profits above the public health."

With environmentalists preparing to battle Republicans in Congress over EPA regulations, he noted, Obama's op-ed cited the Clean Air Act as a prime example of a law that is worth the cost to society.

That type of calculus was praised by cost-benefit analysis supporters such as Richard Revesz, dean of New York University's law school.

"The environment and the economy are not at odds," Revesz said today. "On the contrary, the success of each one is linked to the well-being of the other. By making this case, the president pointed to a better way of safeguarding both."

Click here to read the executive order.

Register Now for 2011 National Ship Repair Industry Conference

January 19, 2011  
The 2011 National Ship Repair Industry Conference will be held 28 February to 3 March 2011.  It will once again be at the Embassy Suites in Crystal City with the same room rate as last year, $240 single, $269 double.  Hotel reservations can be made at the Embassy Suites by calling 1-800-EMBASSY using NSR as the group code or you can go to their website at:
Two events have been added; a dinner on Navy Day at Windows over Washington in the Doubletree Hotel right around the corner from the Embassy Suites, and the ASNE Presidents Club luncheon on Hill Day.  Here's the schedule:
Monday 28 February       Travel day     Opening reception at Embassy Suites sponsored by PSDSRA
Tuesday 1 March             Navy Day      Dinner with speaker
Wednesday 2 March       Hill Day     VSRA reception on the Hill
Thursday 3 March            Industry Day (through noon)     Travel day
The registration fee is  $380 for members and $420 for non-members.  After pricing everything out, it came in higher then expected but at $380 we believe our VSRA members will certainly get their money's worth out of the four day Conference.  We are certainly getting an enthusiastic response from Navy and Coast Guard leadership.  Please use the  NSRIC 2011 Registration Form to register.
Here is our 2011 NSRIC Congressional Agenda.  Comments welcome, as always.  Note that comments are included on the FY11 budget.  There are real problems if the Navy doesn't get funded to the President's Budget ($6B for ship depot maintenance).  Hopefully it will be resolved satisfactorily before the Conference but it needed to be included in the letters that are going out now.
All VSRA members are encouraged to register as soon as possible.  Get those hotel rooms booked.
We need to develop the agenda for Industry Day on Thursday morning.  We all agreed that this is a great opportunity for just industry to sit down and talk about whatever is on our minds.  Please get your recommendations in to the VSRA office NOW!.

Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Sale Plan

January 10, 2011

Mike Petters' letter to shipyard employees

It could be Newport News Shipbuilding all over again.

Northrop Grumman Corp. Wednesday took another step forward in the process to spin off its shipbuilding unit to shareholders.

The company filed a new form with the SEC describing its (potential) plans for the new company, which would be named Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc.

The Newport News unit would revert back to the old "Newport News Shipbuilding," a brand that's been around, in part, since Collis P. Huntington founded the company in 1886.

Remember, that's before Newport News was even a city.

Around the same time the company's new documents went online, Northrop Shipbuilding President Mike Petters sent a letter to employees, describing the move.

(Note: Have fun combing through the filing; it's 200+ pages)

Here it is, in Mike's words:

Dear Shipbuilders:

As you know, this past July Northrop Grumman Corporation announced it is exploring strategic alternatives for its Shipbuilding business. One of the potential strategies is a spin-off of the shipbuilding business as an independent, publicly-owned company. As part of the process to pursue this path, Northrop Grumman is required to file certain documents and information with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This information is filed in a document called a Form 10, the first of which was filed this past October. An amendment to the Form 10 was filed today and it will include the name for the potential new company and a prospective, non-executive Chairman of the Board. I want to share this information with you today.

If Northrop Grumman Corporation does decide to spin the Shipbuilding business, we expect to perform our shipbuilding work as part of and operate under the brand of Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. This name builds upon the strong legacies of our shipbuilding divisions - Newport News Shipbuilding and Ingalls Shipbuilding. Collis P. Huntington founded Newport News Shipbuilding in 1886 and the Huntington family played prominent roles in the shipyard business in Newport News for more than 50 years. Ingalls Shipbuilding was established in 1938 by the Ingalls Iron Works of Birmingham, Alabama, a company founded by the Ingalls family with Robert I. Ingalls, Sr. at the helm. I believe the Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. name, by highlighting the legacies of our shipbuilding businesses that stretch back nearly 125 years, provides us the right foundation upon which to build our future as an independent, publicly-traded company.

Importantly, if we do become an independent company, we would also use the legacy Newport News Shipbuilding and Ingalls Shipbuilding names for our shipbuilding divisions (today referred to as NGSB-Newport News and NGSB-Gulf Coast). Incorporating the names of our founding families and legacy companies into our new enterprise would build upon our long-standing traditions of demonstrated commitment to quality, customer focus, and building the best military ships in the world. These names also reflect our recognition of you, our talented shipbuilders, who rightly and strongly identify with these great shipbuilding names and the heritages they reflect.

With regard to the named Chairman of the Board if we become a publicly-traded company, the selection of Thomas B. Fargo, Admiral, United States Navy (Ret) is an excellent and thoughtful choice. Tom Fargo knows our business and our customers very well, and his insight, knowledge and perspective will be of great value as we build this “new” business. A current member of the Northrop Grumman Corporation Board of Directors, he served as Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, leading the largest unified command while directing the joint operations of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force from May 2002 until his retirement in March 2005. A U.S. Naval Academy graduate, Fargo’s 35 years of service included six tours in Washington, D.C. in addition to five commands in the Pacific, Indian Ocean and Middle East. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Hawaiian Electric Industries and the United States Automobile Association among others.

Please know that I am very excited about our future no matter what the outcome. It’s very important to remember that this new company name and prospective, non-executive Chairman of the Board being named is part of the process of exploring a spin-off, and that no decision has been made. The filing of this information is part of a required process and, until a decision is made, we will continue to operate as part of the Northrop Grumman Corporation as Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding. I ask for your support and your continued focus on performance and building the best military ships in the world. Our performance is what will best enable us to help shape our future.



Mike Petters
Corporate Vice President and President

ODU Launches Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Business Management Course

December 22, 2010

Old Cominion Univrsity announced that The College of Public and Business Administration will launch a new graduate course beginning January 13, 2011.  The course is: PORT 695 - Shipbuiding and Ship Repair Business Management (CRN# 26493).  The course will be taught by CAPT Mike Stanton, USN (ret).  Mike's last assignment in the Navy was with the Fleet Maintenance Division of Fleet Forces Command, during which he was an active participant and liaison for the Navy with the VSRA Contracts Committee.

The course will be taught on the ODU Norfolk campus on Thursday nights from 7:10 - 9:50 PM.  The topics to be covered in the course are found in the DRAFT PORT 695 Course Outline.

The prerequiste for the course is a bachelor's degree. For information on the course and how to sign up, please contact Sandi Phillips in ODU's MBA office at 757-683-3585 or e-mail   

News from Maritime Cabotage Task Force

December 22, 2010
The Maritime Cabotage Task Force wishes you and your family a safe and happy holiday season!
 LATEST NEWS:  WLUK-TV in Green Bay, Wis., reports Bay Ship Shipbuilding Company recalled 70 workers to ramp up for a winter repair project for Jones Act vessels. “Laid off for months, dozens of workers are once again punching the clock at Bay Shipbuilding Co. in Sturgeon Bay. The company is ramping up its workforce as winter maintenance work gets underway and Bill Walls is filled with anticipation.  ‘I was happy, very happy,’ said Walls. Walls is a welder at the shipyard. He was laid off last June.”  Click here to read more.
 EMPLOYMENT PEAKING AT GREAT LAKES SHIPYARDS: Business North (Duluth, Minn.) reports the 1,000-foot-long Great Lakes Jones Act freighter Edwin H. Gott's arrival at Bay Shipbuilding Company in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., marks the beginning of the busiest time of year for Great Lakes shipyards. “This project and other annual winter maintenance work on U.S.-flag Great Lakes ships will provide jobs for more than 1,200 men and women at U.S. shipyards around the Great Lakes, according to the carriers' association.”  Click here to read more.
 CG ADMIRAL CALLS FOSS AN INDUSTRY LEADER: Maritime Link reports U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral J.R. Castillo recognized Jones Act company Foss Maritime as an industry leader in safety and compliance.  The company's San Francisco Bay Area-based tug group became the first to complete voluntary examinations for all of the vessels in its Northern California group. "The success you have achieved is due in no small part to the investment Foss Maritime has made in safety management.  This is an impressive accomplishment for (the company) and will certainly pay dividends as forthcoming towing vessel inspection regulations are enacted,” said Admiral Castillo.  Click here to rea d more.
COAST GUARD MOVES ICEBREAKER TO GREAT LAKES: For the second year in a row, the U.S. Coast Guard has transferred an icebreaker to the Great Lakes to keep the shipping lanes open and allow U.S.-flag lakers to ensure industries have enough raw materials to maintain production during the winter. In a strong economy, U.S.-flag lakers can move more than 15 million tons of iron ore, coal and other cargos during periods of ice cover on the Great Lakes. The iron ore trade has rebounded significantly this year.  Through November, cargos in U.S.-flag lakers are up 85 percent compared to a year ago.
 SIU TOYS FOR TOTS DRIVE BENEFITS ENLISTED PERSONEL: The Seafarers International Union (SIU) raised $4,200 in the fourth-annual Toys for Tots drive at the SIU Christmas party in Tacoma, Wash.  Alaska Tanker Company of Portland, Ore., matched a portion of funds bringing the total to $5,000.   The donations benefit lower-enlisted personnel through Santa's Castle.  Congratulations to SIU and all organizations that participated for giving back to the community during difficult economic times.
 DID YOU KNOW? Number of Jones Act vessels engaged in domestic waterborne commerce is 39,000 plus and growing.  The current fleet represents an investment of nearly $30 billion.
 The MCTF is the most broad-based coalition the U.S. maritime industry has ever assembled to promote the cabotage laws. Its 400-plus members span the United States and its territories and represent vessel owners and operators, shipboard and shoreside labor groups, shipbuilders and repair yards, marine equipment manufacturers and vendors, trade associations, dredging and marine construction contractors, pro-defense groups and companies in other modes of domestic transportation. These diverse but allied interests share a common goal: to promote the long-standing U.S. maritime cabotage laws. Upon a foundation of U.S. ownership, construction and crews, the United States has built an unsubsidized domestic fleet that is the world leader in efficiency, innovation and safety

USCG - Personal Floatation Device (PFD) Safety Alert

December 21, 2010 The US Coast Guard issued a safety alert stating that recent inspections of Type I Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs), in both adult and child size, revealed a potential hazard that could prevent proper donning in the event of an emergency. The chest strap on certain PFDs was threaded through the fixed “D” ring that the strap was intended to clip to when worn. Instead of the strap falling away, allowing the wearer to wrap it around himself or herself, the clip end of the strap could snag in the “D” ring. The PFDs known to be affected are: Kent Adult Model 8830 (USCG Approval Number 160.055/184/0) in Lot 53W manufactured in October 2006 and Kent Child Model 8820 (USCG Approval Number 160.055/150/0) in Lot 012T manufactured in March 2008. Vessel owners and operators should examine their PFDs to determine whether any of them present this hazard. If so, the manufacturer should be contacted. Alert 09-10 (12/15/10).

State of Virginia Transportation Draft Report Released

December 10, 2010

HRTPO has recently released the latest version of the State of Transportation report.  The State of Transportation report details the current status of all facets of the transportation system in Hampton Roads, including air, rail, water, and highways.  Many aspects of the highway system are highlighted, including roadway usage, pavement condition, bridge conditions, costs of congestion, commuting characteristics, roadway safety, truck data, transit usage, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, highway funding, and operations.  

The State of Transportation report is produced every two years as part of the region’s Congestion Management Process (CMP), which is an ongoing program that identifies, develops, evaluates, and implements transportation strategies to enhance mobility regionwide.  The State of Transportation draft report is available for public review and comment from December 1, 2010 through December 15, 2010.  You may access the draft Hampton Roads State of Transportation report by clicking on the following link:

Draft Hampton Roads State of Transportation Report

All interested parties are encouraged to review the draft report and send comments to Keith Nichols, at, by December 15th.

2011 Sponsorship Package

December 02, 2010

The VSRA/VSRF 2011 Sponsor Package  is now available!  Sign-up early to get 2010 rates on the Annual Golf Tournament Sponsorships and view other events to gain more exposure for your company with the membership! Contact Josephine Anderson for more information at 757.233.7034